Gavin Sinclair's Ruby Projects whitestone col debuglog

Whitestone: succinct and simple unit testing

attest (v.) to bear witness to; certify; declare to be correct, true, or genuine; declare the truth of, in words or writing, esp. affirm in an official capacity: to whitestone the truth of a statement.

That’s what I wanted to call it, but the name ‘attest’ was taken. So here’s another definition:

whitestone (n.) a nice word that happens to contain the substring ‘test’.



Whitestone saw its public release in January 2012 as an already-mature unit testing library, being a derivative work of Dfect v2.1.0 (renamed “Detest” as of v3.0.0). Whitestone inherits Dfect’s terse methods (D, F, E, C, T) and adds extra assertions (Eq, N, Ko, Mt, Id, Ft), custom assertions, colourful output on the terminal, and more.


$ [sudo] gem install whitestone

Source code is hosted on Github. See Project details.


Benefits of Whitestone

Example of usage

Imagine you wrote the Date class in the Ruby standard library. The following Whitestone code could be used to test some of it. All of these tests pass.

    require 'date'

    D "Date" do

      D.< {                                 # setup for each block
        @d =, 5, 13)

      D "#to_s" do
        Eq @d.to_s, "1972-05-13"

      D "#next" do
        end_of_april =, 4, 30)
        start_of_may =, 5, 1)
        T { == start_of_may }

      D "day, month, year, week, day-of-year, etc." do

        D.< { :extra_setup_for_these_three_blocks_if_required }

        D "civil" do
          Eq @d.year,   1972
          Eq @d.month,  5
          Eq,    13
        D "commercial" do
          Eq @d.cwyear, 1972
          Eq @d.cweek,  19       # Commercial week-of-year
          Eq @d.cwday,  6        # Commercial day-of-week (6 = Sat)
        D "ordinal" do
          Eq @d.yday,   134      # 134th day of the year

      D "#leap?" do
        [1984, 2000, 2400].each do |year|
          T {, 6, 27).leap? }
        [1900, 2007, 2100, 2401].each do |year|
          F {, 12, 3).leap? }

      D "#succ creates new Date object" do
        Ko @d.succ, Date


If you run whitestone on this code (e.g. whitestone -f date_test.rb) you get the following output:

Successful test run

A dash (-) instead of PASS means no assertions were run in that scope. That is, two of the “tests” are just containers for grouping related tests.

Changing two lines of the test code in order to force test failures, we get:

Unsuccessful test run

In both these cases, the error is in the testing code, not the tested code. Nonetheless, it serves to demonstrate the kind of output Whitestone produces.

Assertion methods

Method   Nmenomic    Definition, syopsis, examples

  T      True        Asserts condition or block has a "true" value
                         T { code... }
                         T value
                         T { person.age > 18 }
                         T connection.closed?

  F      False       Asserts condition or block has a "false" value
                         F { code... }
                         F value
                         F { date.leap }

  N      Nil         Asserts condition or block is specifically nil
                         N { code... }
                         N value
                         N { string.index('a') }
                         N person.title

  Eq     Equals      Asserts an object is equal to its expected value
                         Eq OBJECT, VALUE
                         Eq, "Theresa"
                                                       [see Note 1]

  Mt     Matches     Asserts a string matches a regular expression
                         Mt STRING, REGEX
                         Mt REGEX,  STRING
                         Mt "banana", /(an)+/
                         Mt /(an)+/,  "banana"
                                                       [see Note 2]

  Ko     KindOf      Asserts an object is kind_of? a certain class/module
                         Ko OBJECT,  CLASS
                         Ko "foo",   String
                         Ko (1..10), Enumerable

  Ft     Float       Asserts a float is "essentially" equal to its expected value
                         Ft FLOAT, FLOAT
                         Ft (0.2 + 0.1), 0.3
                           # Note that 0.2 + 0.1 == 0.3 is false, due to the
                           # inaccurate representation of floats (IEEE 754).
                     Float equality is based on ratio, not difference, so
                     that it works at any scale. Here is a simplified
                       def essentially_equal?(a,b)
                         (a/b - 1).abs < 1e-13
                     If one of the numbers is zero, then ratio doesn't work,
                     so that case is treated specially. See

  Id     Identity    Asserts two objects have the same object_id
                         Id OBJECT, OBJECT
                         Id (x = "foo"), x
                         Id! "bar", "bar"

  E      Exception   Asserts an exception is raised
                         E { code... }
                         E(Class1, Class2, ...) { code...}
                         E { "hello".frobnosticate }
                         E(NameError) { "hello".frobnosticate }

  C      Catches     Asserts the given symbol is thrown
                         C(symbol) { code... }
                         C(:done) { some_method(5, :deep) }

Note 1: The order of arguments in Eq OBJ, VALUE is different from test/unit, where the expected value comes first. To remember it, compare the following two lines.

      T { == "Theresa" }
      Eq,   "Theresa"

The same is true for Ko OBJ, CLASS:

      T { object.kind_of? String }
      Ko  object, String

Note 2: Before the string is compared with the regular expression, it is stripped of any color codes. This is an esoteric but convenient feature, unlikely to cause any harm. If you specifically need to test for color codes, there’s always:

    T { str =~ /.../ }

Negative assertions, queries and no-op methods

Each assertion method has three modes: assert, negate and query. Best demonstrated by example:

    string = "foobar"
    Eq  string.upcase, "FOOBAR"          # assert
    Eq! string.length, 10                # negate
    Eq? string.length, 10                # query -- returns true or false
                                         #          (doesn't assert anything)

For completeness, all of the negative assertion methods are briefly described below.

Method    Asserts that...
T!        ...the condition/block does NOT have a true value
F!        ...the condition/block does NOT have a false value
N!        ...the condition/block is NOT nil
Eq!       ...the object is NOT equal to the given value
Mt!       ...the string does NOT match the regular expression
Ko!       ...the object is NOT an instance of the given class/module
Ft!       ...the float value is NOT "essentially" equal to the expected value
Id!       ...the two objects are NOT identical
E!        ...the code in the block does NOT raise an exception
             (specific exceptions may be specified)
C!        ...the code in the block does NOT throw the given symbol

Obviously there is not much use to T! and F!, but the rest are very important.

Again for completeness, here is the list of query methods:

T?  F?  N?  Eq?  Mt?  Ko?  Ft?  Id?  E?  C?

E? takes optional arguments: the Exception classes to query. C?, like C and C!, takes a mandatory argument: the symbol that is expected to be thrown.

Finally, there are the no-op methods. These allow you to prevent an assertion from running.

xT   xF   xN   xEq   # etc.
xT!  xF!  xN!  xEq!  # etc.
xT?  xF?  xN?  xEq?  # etc.

xD prevents an entire test from running.

Other methods


Describing tests: D and D!

D is used to introduce a test. Tests can be nested. If you use D! instead, the test will run in an insulated environment: methods and instance variables from the outside will not be seen within, and those defined inside will not be seen without.

A note on classes, modules, methods, constants and instance variables:

Top-level tests are always insulated, so methods and instance variables defined inside them will not be seen in other top-level tests.

Sharing code: S, S! and S?

S is used to share code between tests. When called with a block, it stores the code with the given identifier. When called without the block, it injects the appropriate block into the current environment.

    S :data1 do
      @text = "I must go down to the seas again..." }

    D "Length" do
      S :data1
      T { @text.length > 10 }

    D "Regex" do
      S :data1
      Mt /again/, @text

S! combines the two uses of S: it simultaneously shares the block while injecting it into the current environment.

Finally, S? is simply a query to ascertain whether a certain block is shared in the current scope.

    S :data2 do
      @text = "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary..."

    D! "Insulated test" do
      S :data2
      S? :data2      # -> true
      S? :data1      # -> false

Setup and teardown hooks

    D "outer test" do
      D.<  { puts "before each nested test -- e.g. prepare some data" }
      D.>  { puts "after  each nested test -- e.g. close a file" }

      D.<< { puts "before all nested tests -- e.g. create a database connection" }
      D.>> { puts "after  all nested tests -- e.g. close a database connection" }

      D "inner test 1" do
        # assertions and logic here

      D "inner test 2" do
        D.< { :setup_relevant_to_inner_test_2 }
        # ...

      # and so on

The hooks are easy to use and remember. However, note that they are not top-level methods like D(), T(), Eq() etc. They are module methods in the Whitestone module, which is aliases to D via the code D = Whitestone to enable the convenient usage above.

The name of the currently-running test

Whitestone.current_test is the name of the currently-running test. This allows you to set useful conditional breakpoints deep within the library code that you are testing. Here’s an example scenario:

    def paragraphs
      result = []
      paragraph = []
      loop do
        if eof?
          # ...
        elsif current_line.empty?
          if paragraph.empty?
            debugger if Whitestone.current_test =~ /test1/

This method is called often during the course of tests, but something is failing during a particular test and I want to debug it. If I start the debugger in the test code, then I need to step through a lot of code to reach the problem area. Using Whitestone.current_test, I can start the debugger close to where the problem actually is.

The most recent exception and caught value

If the method you’re testing throws a value and you want to test what that value is, use Whitestone.caught_value:

    D "Testing the object that is thrown" do
      array = [37, 42, 9, 105, 99, -1]
      C(:found) { search array, :greater_than => 100 }
      Eq Whitestone.caught_value, 105

Whitestone.caught_value will return the most recent caught value, but only those values caught in the process of running a C assertion. If no value was thrown with the symbol, Whitestone.caught_value will be nil.

If the method you’re testing raises an error and you want to test the error message, use Whitestone.exception:

    D "..." do
      E(DomainSpecificError) { ...code... }
      Mt Whitestone.exception.message, / ...pattern... /

whitestone, the test runner

whitestone is a test runner worth using for many reasons:

Here is the information from whitestone -h:

Usage examples:

  whitestone                 (run all test files under 'test' dir)
  whitestone topic           (run only files whose path contains 'topic')

  whitestone --list          (list the test files and exit)
  whitestone -t spec         (run tests from the 'spec' directory, not 'test')
  whitestone -t spec widget  (as above, but only files whose path contains 'widget')
  whitestone -f etc/a.rb     (just run the one file; full path required)
  whitestone -e simple       (only run top-level tests matching /simple/i)

Formal options:

  -f, --file FILE         Run the specified file only (_setup.rb won't be run)
  -l, --list              List the available test files and exit

  -e, --filter REGEX      Select top-level test(s) to run
  -I, --include DIR,...   Add directories to library path instead of 'lib'
  -t, --testdir DIR       Specify the test directory (default 'test')
      --no-include        Don't add any directory to library path

Running options
  -s, --separate          Run each test file separately
      --full-backtrace    Suppress filtering of backtraces

  -v, --verbose
  -h, --help

In most cases, you’d just run whitestone. If your tests live under spec instead of test, you’d run whitestone -t spec. Sometimes you want to focus on one test file, say test/atoms/test_nucleus.rb: run whitestone nucleus. A single test file may contain many top-level tests, though. If you want to narrow it down further: whitestone -e display nucleus. Finally, if you’re working on some tests in etc/scratch.rb that are not in your test suite (not under test): whitestone -f etc/scratch.rb.

Don’t forget the {testdir}/_setup.rb file. It may usefully contain:

Custom assertions

Whitestone allows you to define custom assertions. These are best shown by example. Say your system has a Person class, as follows:

    class Person <, :middle, :last, :dob)

Now we create a Person object for testing.

    @person ="John", "William", "Smith",, 3, 19))

Without a custom assertion, this is how we might test it:

    Eq @person.first,  "John"
    Eq @person.middle, "William"
    Eq @person.first,  "Smith"
    Eq @person.first,, 3, 19)

If you need to test a lot of people, you might think to write a method:

    def test_person(person, string)
        vals = string.split
        Eq person.first, vals[0]
        Eq person.middle, vals[1]
        Eq person.last, vals[2]
        Eq person.dob, Date.parse(vals[3])

    test_person @person, "John Henry Smith  1927-03-19"

(The implementation of test_person splits up the string to make life easier.)

That’s good, but if one of the assertions fails, as it will above, the message you get is a low-level one, from one of the Eq lines, not from the test_person line:

      32     vals = string.split
      33     Eq person.first,  vals[0]
   => 34     Eq person.middle, vals[1]
      35     Eq person.last,   vals[2]
      36     Eq person.dob, Date.parse(vals[3])
Equality test failed
  Should be: "Henry"
        Was: "William"

That’s not as helpful as it could be.

With a custom assertion, we can test it like this:

    T :person, @person, "John Henry Smith  1927-03-19"

Now the failure message will be:

      47 D "Find the oldest person in the database" do
      48   @person = OurSystem.db_query(:oldest_person)
   => 49   T :person, @person, "John Wiliam Smith  1927-03-19"
      50 end
Person equality test failed: middle (details below)
  Equality test failed
    Should be: "Henry"
          Was: "William"

That’s much better. It’s the person test that failed, and we’re told it was the middle name that was the problem. With colourful output, it’s even better.

Of course, we don’t get the person custom assertion for free; we have to write it. Here it is:

    Whitestone.custom :person, {
      :description => "Person equality",
      :parameters => [ [:person, Person], [:string, String] ],
      :run => proc {
        f, m, l, dob = string.split
        dob = Date.parse(dob)
        test('first')  { Eq person.first,  f   }
        test('middle') { Eq person.middle, m   }
        test('last')   { Eq person.last,   l   }
        test('dob')    { Eq person.dob,    dob }

The method Whitestone.custom creates a custom assertion. The first parameter is :person, the name of the assertion. The second parameter is a hash with keys :description, :parameters and :run (lines 2–4).

        T :person, @person, "John Wiliam Smith  1927-03-19"
            #      -------  -------------------------------
            #      :person           :string

The test method seen in lines 7–10 is an important part of a custom test. It associates a label (dob) with an assertion (Eq person.dob, dob), which allows Whitestone to provide a helpful error message if that assertion fails.

Custom assertions may seem tricky at first, but they’re easy enough and definitely worthwhile. In the tests for my geometry project there are lines like:

    T :circle,   circle,   [4,1, 3, :M]
    T :arc,      arc,      [3,1, 5, nil, 0,180]
    T :square,   square,   %w( 3 1   4.5 1   4.5 2.5   3 2.5 )
    T :vertices, triangle, %w{ A 2 1   B 7 3  _ 2.76795 6.33013 }

Notes and limitations

        T :person, @person, "John Henry Smith  1927-03-19"

the following will cause an error:

        T!  :person, @person, "John Henry Smith  1927-03-19"
        T?  :person, @person, "John Henry Smith  1927-03-19"
        F   :person, @person, "John Henry Smith  1927-03-19"
        F!  :person, @person, "John Henry Smith  1927-03-19"
        F?  :person, @person, "John Henry Smith  1927-03-19"

This is an annoying limitation that is hard to avoid, but it has not been a problem for me in practice.



Thanks to Suraj N. Kurapati, who created Dfect and permitted me (explicitly in response to a request and implicitly by its licence) to create and publish this derivative work. Dfect is a wonderful library; I just wanted to add some assertions and tune the terminal output. Several bits of code and prose have made their way from Dfect’s manual into this one, too.


Having used test/unit for a long time I was outgrowing it but failing to warm to other approaches. The world seemed to be moving towards “specs”, but I preferred, and still prefer, the unit testing model: create objects with various inputs, then assert that they satisfy various conditions. To me, it’s about state, not behaviour.

In October 2009 I made a list of features I wanted to see. Here is an edited quote from a blog post:

I’ve given some thought to features of my own testing framework, should it ever eventuate:

I’m hoping not to create a testing framework anytime soon, but am saving this list here in case I want to do so in the future.

Months later, working on a new project, I finally bit the bullet. Dfect met many of the goals, and I liked it and it started tinkering with it. My goals now don’t match that list precisely, but it was a good start.

Differences from Dfect (v2.1.0)

If an error occurs while running an assertion’s block, Whitestone considers it an ERROR only, whereas Dfect will report a FAIL in addition.

Any error or failure will abort the current test (and any nested tests). It is fail-fast; Dfect continues to run assertions after an error or failure.

Whitestone has removed the “trace” feature from Dfect (a hierarchical structure reporting on the result of each test, and containing logging statements from the L method). Consequently:

Whitestone does not offer to drop into a debugger or IRB at the point of failure. I prefer to use the ruby-debug gem and set breakpoints using Whitestone.current_test.

Whitestone does not show the value of variables in event of failure or error.

Whitestone does not provide emulation layers for other testing libraries.

Whitestone does not allow you to provide a message to assertions. It is hoped that Whitestone’s output provides all the information you need. The following code is legitimate in Dfect but not in Whitestone:

    T("string has verve") { "foo".respond_to? :verve }

Dependencies and requirements

Dependencies (automatically resolved by RubyGems):

Whitestone was initially developed using Ruby 1.8.7, then tested using Ruby 1.9.2, and now developed again using Ruby 1.9.3.

The colours used in the console output were designed for a black background. They are hardcoded and it would be a major effort to customise them!

Project details


Future plans

A lot of work has gone into making Whitestone mature on its initial release. No further features are currently planned. Any bugs found will be fixed promptly and give rise to releases 1.0.1, 1.0.2 etc. Any backwards-compatible feature enhancements will be released under 1.1.0, 1.2.0 etc.